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03 Sep

50% Fifty-Fifty “Haki Sawa ” This is America

50% Fifty-Fifty Haki Sawa

50% Fifty-Fifty Haki Sawa is a new film from The Real Life Film Group that has a true story of marriage an cultural.

50% Fifty-Fifty Haki Sawa official Trailer

A Modest Kuhani film

Produced by Dani Pascal

Directed by Oliver Ababele Mweni

Tùkémbé Entertainment presents The Real Life Film Group in 50% Fifty-Fifty Haki Sawa “THIS IS AMERICA” , under Tùkémbé Production and Tùkémbé Media, inc.



50% Fifty-Fifty Haki Sawa is a story related to people from different countries whose Immigrate to the United states of America, how they live in their marriage after beginning their new life in USA.

There was one family from Africa whose came to U.S has refugee, after being in America, the family entered into turbulence.

Father believe in his original cultural while mother and childrens their hate it and changed to America cultural.

According to daddy’s culture indicates father is the head of family , which means all family must follow his rules. But very different from here (USA) everyone is free to do whatever they want. Which makes a lot of woman feel like they are head of family. They don’t want to live has their was in their original country; which leads them to divorces.

May I have some food please ?

I don’t have to make food for you anymore

Why? … you are my wife

Oh-oh! Do you think is this Africa?…. where I cooked food for you all the time. Let me tell you: THIS IS AMERICA

What do you means baby?… but I’m the head of family.

I said this is America, we’re equal, “50% (Fifty-Fifty) my dear husband”



Wherever you go, respect you cultural, and respect others their cultural. Live in America but respect your culture and respect America’s laws.



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